Three main objectives of Vodafest Association for 2012 - 2013
There are several challenges awaiting the new Committee in the next year so I would like to introduce you the main three objectives of the Vodafest Association for the following year:
- Organisation of Vodafest 2013 - Czech and Slovak Festival
As a main activity of our Association, Vodafest 2013 will stay the main focus for the new Committee who already commenced the organisation of the festival and we will regularly update you on its development. Festival organization requires considerable resources and human effort. Areas such as grants, marketing and communications of the festival, permissions and licenses, festival program and activities for children or adults involve some organisational skills and experience. Therefore I call on all the passionate organizers and volunteers who would like to become a part of this exciting journey to contact the Committee on the below contacts:
Email: or or call 0413 666 761 - The another objective is my favorite. Vodafest was created to bring together Czech and Slovak community and other interested people in our traditions and culture to help to develop our community life in Victoria. It is important that Vodafest will simply start giving something back to the community. There are many ways how this could be done but it is important to start somewhere.
The new committee had discussed several opportunities and decided that one thing which we believe can our community benefit from and particularly young families with children is to help improve Sumava facilities which are not used only for festival purposes but also for Children’s camps, community get togethers and other celebrations.
The Committee decided to build up a new Children’s playground at Sumava Peksa Park. This project will be fully financed from the past and future profits of Vodafest Association and government grants. We believe that this way can Vodafest fulfill its mission and contribute to the life of Czech and Slovak community in Victoria. - One of the challenges for our Association for the year 2012-2013 will be to increase the income of the Association from the Australian grants. The Australian grants are here to support initiatives such as our festival and help to bring communities from different parts of the world together to celebrate their uniqueness and diversity.
The Association applied for several grants in financial year 2011-2012 however most of these applications were unsuccessful due to the lack of members our Association currently register. As you can see this objective could simply not be achieved without your support of Vodafest. Therefore if you are interested in this project and want to help us to achieve this objective please become a member of our Association. Simply download the membership application fill it up and mail it to the Secretary with your membership fee or arrange the bank account transfer.
As you can see these three objectives are already a big chunk of itself, however there are other smaller ones which also matters, such as prepare and organize small community activities for the next year or establish and build a good relationships with other existing organisations in Victoria and other Czech and Slovak bodies, institutions or businesses. Not an easy task but I believe that the new Committee will do its best in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community.
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