Slovak Social Club

Traditional Costume Function and Mother's Day Celebration

Entry: $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Dinner: $15 (dinner for children $7).

To make this function even more festive and enjoyable we will have a pleasure of greeting our guest performers from the Macedonian Cultural and Artistic Ensamble "Ilinden" from Footscray as well as some members of our Dance Group "Liptar".

Prizes will be given for folk costumes in two categories: Children up to 14 years of age, and adults. There will also be a prize for the oldest mother dressed in the traditional costume.

Slovak Social and Cultural Club “Ludovit Stur” Inc. Annual General Meeting

From the Association’s newsletter: “Annual General Meeting of the Slovak Social and Cultural Association “Ludovit Stur” will not be held in July, as it was initially planned, but on 26th of August, at 3.00 pm instead. Reason for this change of date are due to the fact that many of the Association’s actively participating members will be on European holidays during the months of July and August and we would like to have a discussion about their contributions in their presence.

30 Years of The Slovak House

With voluntary contributions and countless hours of voluntary work by members of the Association, the "Slovak House" was built and officially opened on the 26 December 1981. Thirty years later to the day, The Slovak Social and Cultural Association Ludovit Stur Inc. are proudly celebrating Christmas and the anniversary of their community hub.

You can watch the unique video recordings of the Slovak House opening celebrations at this YouTube channel:

Traditional Pig Slaughter Feast and Wine Ball

At the Slovak House this month, the Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" are having Traditional Pig Slaughter Feast and Wine Ball. From their Facebook invitation:

If you love "klbasi" and all the other good things that are made at a "zabijacka" then this is the "zabava" for you! We have Admir Tokic coming who will also entertain us with his vast repetoire of Yugoslav songs in addition to our Slovak Group Zmena 5. This is sure to be just like at a "zabijacka" back home! Please make your booking with Eva Bilek on 0425 739 372.

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