
Easter Function at the Slovak House

Prize will be awarded for the nicest hand painted Easter egg in two categories: children under 14 years of age and persons older than 14. New competition for children during the function – creating their own design for an Easter egg for which there will be a lucky prize winner. As always, there will be a ruffle, and the Slovak Band “Zmena 5” will be playing for your entertainment.

Entry: $10 members, $15 non-members. Dinner: $15 (kids dinner $7). Reservations at evabilek@digisurf.com.au or 0425 739 372.

Easter Lunch and Dance at Sumava

Caretakers of Sumava Peksa Park invite you to the traditional Easter lunch at the Czech and Slovak community centre. Traditional meal, coffee, cakes and Studio 4 playing evergreens are all awaiting you on the day.

Easter Dinner Dance at Laverton

The Slovak Social and Cultural Club "Ludovit Stur" Inc. are having their traditional Easter dinner dance in the Slovak House on Easter Sunday night.

Easter Craft Workshop at Sumava

The Australian Slovaks' Association in Victoria invite you to the Easter craft workshop with Morena offering parade. Come along and try one of the traditional techniques of egg decorating, Easter whip weaving or try to make a figure of the Slavic goddess and join the Morena offering parade . An egg and spoon race of family teams is also on program.

Entry fee is $5 per person, $10 per family. Bring eggs or egg shells to decorate and an Easter themed food platter to share. Tea, coffee and cordial will be provided.

Easter Monday Picnic

If you'd like to meet with fellow Slovaks and Czechs on the Easter Monday, please, join us at the picnic. It takes place at the Finns Reserve, which has a good playground for children and nice walks, too. Bring along an Easter platter to share with others and drinks.

Easter Dinner Party

The Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" are having an Easter dinner party on the Easter Sunday night, to which everybody is welcome. This is what their Facebook invitation says:

Come and enjoy the night with friends, great food, entertainment provided by our Slovak band Zmena 5 and we might even have a special visit by the Easter bunny on the night. Just don't forget to get in touch with Andy Guljas on guljasam@gmail.com or 0401684215 and book your tickets. Hope to see you there. Entry fee, including smorgesbord dinner, is $20 for club members, $30 for non-members.

Easter Workshop for Everyone

EasterIf you're looking for an inspiration for what to do and what to cook over the Easter weekend, just a week before it, on 16. April, the Easter Workshop for Everyone takes place at Sumava Peksa Park.

The workshop is organized and conducted by Maria Garland, who advises the free activities for kids and adults include:

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