
Working Bee at Sumava

VodaFest – Czech and Slovak Association invites all bees to help us finilising the Children Playground project at Sumava. We will be painting the cubby house, smoothing the sandpit and testing the slide.

VodaFest Working Bee


VodaFest invites everyone to join our working bee to complete Stage 1 of the Children's Playground at Sumava. We will meet on Saturday, 19 October at 10 am. The cubby house needs painting inside and out, there's some work to be done on the sandpit and the slide needs testing. Everyone's welcome, bring working/painting clothes, paint brush and an electric sander if daddy has one.


St Wenceslaus Day

The traditional celebration of Saint Wenceslaus Day at Sumava Peksa Park is promising a great family day.

Easter Lunch and Dance at Sumava

Caretakers of Sumava Peksa Park invite you to the traditional Easter lunch at the Czech and Slovak community centre. Traditional meal, coffee, cakes and Studio 4 playing evergreens are all awaiting you on the day.

VodaFest Camping Weekend

Vodafest Check and Slovak Association would like to invite you for this overnight event full of fun, surprise and adventure where you can not only learn bush survival skills but also put them in practice!

Christmas traditions at Sumava

This is a traditional day of Slovak Christmas traditions at Sumava. Make your own Christmas decorations or learn more about Slovak Christmas dinner and its traditions. Dont miss the visit of St Nicholas who will bring small gifts for all good children.

Working Bee at Sumava

At this Sumava working bee, we're helping VodaFest association to build their shed to store all the festival props and stuff. You need to bring your muscles, and get ready to mix some concrete. We'll sure have a campfire and a couple of cold ones afterwards.

Saint Wenceslaus Day at Sumava

The day of Saint Wenceslaus, the patron of Czech emigrants, is celebrated annually with a traditional lunch, holy mass and a remembrance ceremony. Lunch will be served from 12pm, followed by holy mass celebrated by Father Peter Dikos at 2pm. At 3pm, memory of lost countrymen will be remembered. An entertainment program with traditional raffle will close the day at Sumava.

Vodafest - Czech and Slovak Association Inc. Announcement

The new committee of Vodafest Association would like to express a special thanks to Sumava Peksa Park for their generous support and help with organisation of the two past festivals. Special thanks belongs to Alena Semecka, Helena Kolnik and Franta Vana for their valuable advises and willingness to help with festival preparations at all times. The Committee also thanks to all the board of trustees and other supporters from Sumava Peksa Park.

Working Bee at Sumava Peksa Park

In preparation for the traditional day of Saint Wenceslaus to be held on Sunday 30 September 2012, we invite you to join us for the working bee on Saturday the week before. In order to prepare Sumava Peksa Park for its biggest annual celebration we will clean, cut, mow, dig, lift and move.

This is an event for all members of the community willing to help. Camp fire or grill will be ready so bring a sausage and a drink to have to relax after work. We hope to see you there!

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