Annual General Meeting 2015

AGM 2015To all our current financial members of VodaFest Czech & Slovak Association,

We would like to warmly invite all our current members to the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will be held on Sunday 26th July 2015, from 11am – 12.30pm at Sokol (Czech House), 497 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne. 

We would welcome your attendance, and nomination for our committee.  Nomination forms and proxies, in the case of inability to attend, are attached below. 

On behalf of VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association, I would like to thank you for your membership of our association for FY2014/15.

As you might already know, our 5th VodaFest is to be held on Saturday 7th November 2015. More details to follow.

All current members will gain free entry.  There are also numerous opportunities for you to be part of the event through volunteering or sponsorship.  All help is kindly appreciated and very welcome. 

Once again, thank you very much for your contribution to the success of VodaFest Czech and Slovak Festival, via your membership of our Association and attendance of our events. 

We look forward to seeing you both at VodaFest and our AGM.

Warm regards,


Jane Vassos

Secretary - VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association Inc. 

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