Office-bearer roles

The Committee of Management is the governing body of a nonprofit organisation and is legally accountable to the body of members for its deci­sions, actions and obligations, and to always act on their behalf and in their inter­est. The Committee directs and monitors the financial and operational performance of the legal entity through a formally established and endorsed strategic, policy and financial framework.

Each Committee requires a President, Secretary and Treasurer, with the deputy position of Vice President and optional positions of Ordinary Committee Members. An organisation’s constitution (model rules) indicate the specific requirements on each of these positions. 


Election of officers and ordinary committee members

  • Nominations of candidates for election as officers of the Association or as ordinary members of the committee must be:

(a) made in writing, signed by two members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of nomination); and

(b) delivered to the Secretary of the Association not less than 7 days before the date fixed for the holding of the annual general meeting.

  • A candidate may only be nominated for one office, or as an ordinary member of the committee, prior to the annual general meeting.

  • If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the committee, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be elected and further nominations may be received at the annual general meeting.

  • If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated shall be deemed to be elected.

  • If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot must be held.

  • The ballot for the election of officers and ordinary members of the committee must be conducted at the annual general meeting in such manner as the committee may direct.


President and Vice President

  1. ensure confidentiality and privacy for all discussions on contentious issues,

  2. be accessible, particularly in times of emergencies,
  3. collaborate on policies and procedures for conflict resolution and grievances at Committee level, and within the Association,
  4. ensure an effective procedure for quick and efficient responses to all reasonable requests,
  5. keep a running list of items requiring discussion with others, and tick them off as you attend to each one,
  6. set a regular time before each Committee meeting to review the agenda with the Secretary and ensure that each item is suitably resourced to facilitate discussion toward decision or agreed action,
  7. collaborate on starting and ending meetings and more formal discussions on time,
  8. collaborate to ensure a clear distinction between the work of the Committee and that of sub-committees,
  9. collaborate on mentoring or nurturing future successor: and ensuring a clear role for the predecessor, and
  10. collaborate on monitoring and improving the performance of the Committee, and the job satisfaction of all Committee members.

 The ‘deputy’ position of Vice President is usually appointed to provide assistance to the current President, or to prepare the ‘successor’ to take the position of President on completion of the incumbent’s term of office.


Treasurer’s duties are to ensure that:

  1. monies received are recorded, receipted and banked.

  2. monies paid out are recorded, approved or payment and paid: approval for payment may mean within the Committee-endorsed budget and cashflow projections.
  3. an accurate and up-to-date monthly statement of the organisation’s financial position is presented for Committee discussion and approval.
  4. s/he moves adoption of the financial statement by the meeting.
  5. s/he is prepared to supply detailed information and give advice on all financial aspects of the organisation’s decisions and activities.
  6. submit the books for audit as directed by Committee
  7. ensure that investments on behalf of the organisation are managed as directed by Committee.
  8. the organisation’s financial records and documentation are processed and maintained, and    
  9. present reports to Committee on all financial negotiations on behalf of the organisation
  10. initiates discussions about financial viability of the organisation and individual projects                  




Secretarial duties regarding meetings are to ensure that:

  1. the agenda is prepared with the Chairperson and circulated prior to each meeting, setting out items of business to be considered.

  2. the minutes are a clear, concise, correct and legible record of all motions or decisions considered and actions agreed upon – and feature an action column.
  3. the official Committee minute book is retained where a copy of the minutes without error or addendum (unless initialled) and signed by the President after confirmation by the following meeting entered.
  4. copies of minutes are distributed to all Committee members before the following meeting.
  5. copies of the Constitution and the official minute book are available at each meeting.
  6. the register of Association, Committee and Sub-committee or portfolio members is kept up-to-date.
  7. a list of correspondence is presented at the meeting, and a Committee filing system retained.
  8. Committee correspondence is replied to or processed in accordance with Committee decisions.
  9. all Committee decisions which are not delegated to other office-bearers or Committee members are processed.
  10. maintain the documentation and archives of organisation


Ordinary Committee members


These are Committee members who are not office-bearers but who make an important and valuable contribution to discussion, debate and decision-making.


Their role can include:

  1. sub-committee membership,

  2. carrying out actions as delegated by the Committee,
  3. contributing to the quality of meetings by knowing and understanding the meeting procedures adopted by their Committee, and
  4. providing practical support to the office-bearers.

  Public Officer 

  1. initial contact person in an application for incorporation,
  2. signatory to forms accompanying lodgment of specific information to Consumer Affairs Victoria, the Regulatory Body for the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act, eg annual statements within 30 days of the annual general meeting of an incorporated association.
  3. this position is compatible with other office bearer role or ordinary member position