Czech and Slovak Newsletter - June 2011

Dear friend,

Slovaks In Australia 2012 Calendar

First of all, we are thrilled to announce the Slovaks in Australia 2012 calendar is now in print and will be available to public on 5. July, the 2011 Day of Slovaks Living Abroad. For a reasonable price of $20 per copy, this high quality full-color A3 size wall calendar with amazing pictures of Slovak folk costumes in the streets of Melbourne is a must have for every countryman in Australia and all friends and family members either here or overseas.

Today, we're launching a presale at , where you can order the calendar right now, get a unique Slovak-Australian postcard for free and have it all delivered once it's ready. Or, even better, be first to lay your hands upon the calendar and pick it up in person at the Calendar Launch Party!

Calendar Launch Party at Koliba

Date: Tuesday, 5. July 2011 from 6pm
Location: Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant, 11 Johnston Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

On the 2011 Day of Slovaks Living Abroad, we are going to kick-off the arrival of the calendar, a community project of Slovaks in Australia. To celebrate the results of the mutual effort of over twenty Czechs and Slovaks living in Melbourne and Victoria, we are excited to invite you to the Calendar Launch Party at Koliba.

A combination of now traditional Czech and Slovak Night, the celebration of the Day of Slovaks Living Abroad, and the Slovaks in Australia 2012 calendar kick-off, this is going to be huge! Calendars and postcards on sale, live music, meals and drinks on offer, and fun for everybody. Make sure to wear Czech or Slovak on the night, and to bring anything Czech or Slovak with you.

VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association

Date: Sunday, 3. July 2011 from 11am
Location: Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant, 11 Johnston Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

To make this month's newsletter yet more exciting, a notice is given for interested people to attend a meeting for incorporation of VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association. Yep, it's all happening, folks! VodaFest is going official, bigger and more professional for the benefit of communities. If you've ever thought of becoming a part of something big within our small communities, this is the right time to step forward. Attend the meeting, or call Lenka Allen at 0418 388 689.

Puppet Theatre

Maria Garland has started yet another of her activity projects for parents and children. She and a group of enthusiastic amateur artists are out to create and perform in their very own puppet theatre! If you want to learn more or are interested in participating, visit the project Facebook group at .

"Slovensky Dom" Website

A website of Slovak Social Club "L. Stur" and Slovak House in Laverton is now online and provides its visitors with information about history and agenda of this important institution. Visit .

While online, you may want to pay a visit to the Facebook group of Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" ( and their music band Zmena 5 (


That's it for June. Have an amazing beginning of winter, let us know when you're organizing an event of your own and make sure to order a copy or a few of  the calendar.


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