Czech and Slovak Newsletter - May 2011

Dear friend,

To almost 350 e-mail addresses, this is the May issue of the information bulletin for the Czechs and Slovaks in Melbourne and Victoria, Australia. We hope you had a great Easter holiday and are enjoying the month of love. Here is a few social events planned in the Czech and Slovak communities for you all to get together in May 2011.

Mother's Day Dinner at Sokol

Date: Saturday, 7. May from 6pm
Location: Sokol Melbourne, 497 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051

Bring your beloved mothers and grandmothers to celebrate the Mother's Day at Sokol Melbourne. From 6pm, served is popular schnitzel with potato salad, dessert and coffee. After dinner, a dance party is on by the band Studio 4.

Entry fee is $10 per person, the dinner is $20 per person. For bookings, please, call 9807 2326 or mobile 0413 852 488.

Mother's Day/Grape Harvest Dinner

Date: Saturday, 7. May from 7pm
Location: Slovak Social Club, 105 Triholm Avenue, Laverton VIC 3028

The Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" are having a dinner dance in celebration of Mother's Day and the grape harvest. The children of the Slovak Language School of Ludovit Stur will greet all mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers. The harvest will be announced following dinner, and a rich hamper will be up for auction. For your entertainment, the Slovak ensemble Zmena 5 will play, and a rich raffle will also be held.

Entry fee is $10 for members and $20 for non-members and dinner is served for $15 ($5 children). Please, place your reservations with Andy Guljas at

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Date: Sunday, 15. May from 11am
Location: Hanging Rock,
South Rock Rd, Woodend VIC 3442

After a great Easter picnic at Finns Reserve in Templestowe, organized by the Havrilas, with plenty of home made food, an epic game of soccer and around 30 guests, we're heading outdoors again. Hanging Rock, a former volcano, a distinctive geological formation a few kilometers north of Mount Macedon is a great place to spend a day with friends and fellow countrymen.

The area provides viable parking,  picnic grounds and BBQ, flat area for football and ball games, easy walks, beautiful views and bouldering for brave ones. Facilities include an interactive museum of Hanging Rock's origin and history, a cafe and a souvenir shop. This is a great place for an entire day of fun for the whole family.

Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba

Date: Monday, 16. May 2011 from 6pm
Location: Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant, 11 Johnston St, Collingwood VIC 3066

It has now been eight months since the first Czech and Slovak night took place at Koliba and numbers of visitors have been steadily rising ever since. This monthly event is meant for the members of the Czech and Slovak communities in Melbourne to socialize, meet each other and have fun.

This time's theme is May, the month of love. Feel free to bring heart shaped balloons, gingerbread hearts, flowers, have your arms ready to hug and lips ready to kiss. Also bring musical instruments and lyrics of songs you'd like us to sing along. Oh, and your beloved ones!

Like always, entry is free. A special of a vegetarian, or a proper Eastern European meal accompanied by beer is on at $20. On the night, $5 large beer and selected spirits shots will be on offer. No booking necessary, arrive early to catch your spot!

Peninsula Hot Springs

Note: Moved a week forward to 4. June 2011! (edited 2011-05-26 15:10)

Date: Saturday 28. May 2011 from 1pm
Location: Rye Foreshore Reserve, Rye VIC 3941

When we went to check out the hot springs the other day, we met two Slovaks and three Czechs there. It seems to be a popular spot among the countrymen and so we thought we could make it a place to spend a nice Saturday afternoon together. It is a perfect place to relax after week's work or school for children and people of all ages.

We will be meeting at Rye Foreshore Reserve (parking opposite to Rye Pier) for a BBQ lunch at 1pm. Sausages will be provided for a gold coin donation. Please, bring along a cold platter, or a cake to share with others.

Later in the afternoon, we'll be moving to the Peninsula Hot Springs for relaxing baths, spa and sauna. Detailed information about the hot springs and treatments is available at

Snorkelers and Scuba Divers

On a final note, it came to our attention that quite a few Czechs and Slovaks in Melbourne are certified scuba divers or are considering having a shot at it. If you happen to be interested in snorkeling or diving the amazing pier of Rye, drop us a note by replying to this message and we can arrange for a splash earlier in the morning on the hot springs day. Apart from the ever-present puffer fish, sea horses and crabs, a playful baby seal can be regularly seen around the pier, as well as a couple of gentle giant stingrays.

Enjoy the end of Autumn and hope to see you out there!


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