Traditional Pig Slaughter Feast and Wine Ball

Saturday, 16 July 2011 - 7:00pm
Slovak House
105 Triholm Avenue
Laverton, VIC 3028 37° 52' 8.688" S, 144° 45' 13.7376" E

At the Slovak House this month, the Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" are having Traditional Pig Slaughter Feast and Wine Ball. From their Facebook invitation:

If you love "klbasi" and all the other good things that are made at a "zabijacka" then this is the "zabava" for you! We have Admir Tokic coming who will also entertain us with his vast repetoire of Yugoslav songs in addition to our Slovak Group Zmena 5. This is sure to be just like at a "zabijacka" back home! Please make your booking with Eva Bilek on 0425 739 372.

Czech and Slovak Newsletter - July 2011

Dear friend,

Welcome to the July edition of the Czech and Slovak Newsletter. It has been an exciting month with quite a stir within the community. Read on!

In this issue:

  • VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association
  • Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba
  • Calendar Now in Sale
  • Traditional Pig Slaughter Feast and Wine Ball
  • Czech Spring Festival of Hobart 2011

Introduction Leaflet

Please, find attached available for download the VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association introduction leaflet as distributed at the Association Incorporation Meeting.

Please, feel free to print out and distribute unmodified copies of this leaflet among your family members, friends and members of general public interested in Czech and/or Slovak cause. Thank you!

Association Rules

As agreed at the Meeting of Incorporation on 3 July 2011, the VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association is to be bound by the Association Model Rules, which are part of the Associations Incorporation Act (1981).

Please, find attached available for download the Association Model Rules and the Associations Incorporation Act (1981).

Attached documents only serve as a reference. For current versions of the documents, please, refer to the Legislation section of the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.

Statement of Purpose

VodaFest exists to bring together a broad group of people living in Australia with a love of and interest in the Czech and Slovak cultures. As well as Czech and Slovak migrants and nationals, these include people with Czech/Slovak heritage, interested Australians and their families and friends.

Our purpose is to:

VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association

Sunday, 3 July 2011 - 11:00am
Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant
11 Johnston St
Collingwood, VIC 3160 37° 47' 56.5908" S, 144° 59' 5.8056" E

A notice is given for interested people to attend a meeting for incorporation of VodaFest Czech and Slovak Association. Yep, it's all happening, folks! VodaFest is going official, bigger and more professional for the benefit of communities. If you've ever thought of becoming a part of something big within our small communities, this is the right time to step forward. Attend the meeting, or call Lenka Allen at 0418 388 689.

Calendar Launch Party at Koliba

Tuesday, 5 July 2011 - 6:00pm
Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant
11 Johnston St
Collingwood, VIC 3160 37° 47' 56.5908" S, 144° 59' 5.8056" E

On the 2011 Day of Slovaks Living Abroad, we are going to kick-off the arrival of the calendar, a community project of Slovaks in Australia. To celebrate the results of the mutual effort of over twenty Czechs and Slovaks living in Melbourne and Victoria, we are excited to invite you to the Calendar Launch Party at Koliba.

Czech and Slovak Newsletter - June 2011

Dear friend,

Slovaks In Australia 2012 Calendar

First of all, we are thrilled to announce the Slovaks in Australia 2012 calendar is now in print and will be available to public on 5. July, the 2011 Day of Slovaks Living Abroad. For a reasonable price of $20 per copy, this high quality full-color A3 size wall calendar with amazing pictures of Slovak folk costumes in the streets of Melbourne is a must have for every countryman in Australia and all friends and family members either here or overseas.

Mother's Day/Grape Harvest Dinner

Saturday, 7 May 2011 - 7:00pm
Slovak Social Club
105 Triholm Avenue
Laverton, VIC 3028 37° 52' 8.688" S, 144° 45' 13.7376" E

The Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" are having a dinner dance in celebration of Mother's Day and the grape harvest. The children of the Slovak Language School of Ludovit Stur will greet all mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers. The harvest will be announced following dinner, and a rich hamper will be up for auction. For your entertainment, the Slovak ensemble Zmena 5 will play, and a rich raffle will also be held.

Peninsula Hot Springs

Saturday, 4 June 2011 - 1:00pm
Rye Foreshore Reserve Rye, VIC 3941

When we went to check out the hot springs the other day, we met two Slovaks and three Czechs there. It seems to be a popular spot among the countrymen and so we thought we could make it a place to spend a nice Saturday afternoon together. It is a perfect place to relax after week's work or school for children and people of all ages.

Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba: May The Month of Love

Monday, 16 May 2011 - 6:00pm
Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant
11 Johnston St
Collingwood, VIC 3066 37° 47' 56.5908" S, 144° 59' 5.8056" E


It has now been eight months since the first Czech and Slovak night took place at Koliba and numbers of visitors have been steadily rising ever since. This monthly event is meant for the members of the Czech and Slovak communities in Melbourne to socialize, meet each other and have fun.

Picnic at Hanging Rock

Sunday, 15 May 2011 - 11:00am
Hanging Rock
South Rock Rd
Woodend, VIC 3442

After a great Easter picnic at Finns Reserve in Templestowe, organized by the Havrilas, with plenty of home made food, an epic game of soccer and around 30 guests, we're heading outdoors again. Hanging Rock, a former volcano, a distinctive geological formation a few kilometers north of Mount Macedon is a great place to spend a day with friends and fellow countrymen.

Czech and Slovak Newsletter - May 2011

To almost 350 e-mail addresses, this is the May issue of the information bulletin for the Czechs and Slovaks in Melbourne and Victoria, Australia. We hope you had a great Easter holiday and are enjoying the month of love. Here is a few social events planned in the Czech and Slovak communities for you all to get together in May 2011.

In this issue:

  • Mother's Day Dinner at Sokol
  • Mother's Day/Grape Harvest Dinner
  • Picnic at Hanging Rock
  • Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba
  • Peninsula Hot Springs
  • Snorkelers and Scuba Divers

Easter Monday Picnic

Monday, 25 April 2011 - 11:00am
Finns Reserve/Wombat Bend (Corner Union Street) Templestowe, VIC 3107 37° 45' 18.216" S, 145° 6' 54.9684" E

If you'd like to meet with fellow Slovaks and Czechs on the Easter Monday, please, join us at the picnic. It takes place at the Finns Reserve, which has a good playground for children and nice walks, too. Bring along an Easter platter to share with others and drinks.

Easter Dinner Party

Sunday, 24 April 2011 - 7:00pm
Slovak Social Club
105 Triholm Avenue
Laverton, VIC 3028 37° 52' 8.688" S, 144° 45' 13.7376" E

The Slovak Social Club "Ludovit Stur" are having an Easter dinner party on the Easter Sunday night, to which everybody is welcome. This is what their Facebook invitation says:

Come and enjoy the night with friends, great food, entertainment provided by our Slovak band Zmena 5 and we might even have a special visit by the Easter bunny on the night. Just don't forget to get in touch with Andy Guljas on or 0401684215 and book your tickets. Hope to see you there. Entry fee, including smorgesbord dinner, is $20 for club members, $30 for non-members.

Czech and Slovak Newsletter - April 2011

In this issue:

  • Easter Dinner Party
  • Easter Monday Picnic
  • Easter Workshop for Everyone
  • Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba
  • Slovaks in Australia 2012: The Calendar
  • VodaFest 2012
  • Volunteer Teachers Needed

Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba: The April Fools Special

Monday, 4 April 2011 - 6:00pm
Koliba Czech and Slovak Restaurant
11 Johnston St
Collingwood, VIC 3066 37° 47' 56.5908" S, 144° 59' 5.8056" E

After over a hundred people showed up at Sumava last month for a huge night out, we're returning to Koliba. This is going to be the fifth time we're having a Czech and Slovak Night and again, it's a special one. On Monday, 4. April, we're having an April Fools themed night!

What exactly the April Fools theme means we don't know. It's up to you. You show us! We all love to share a laugh and don't mind laughing at ourselves, so anything that would make you look like a fool will do. A silly t-shirt, a pen that gives electric shocks or a full fledged costume, it's all up to you. If you believe not wearing a mask is what makes you look like a fool the most, it's your choice. Also, feel free to come up with jokes and pranks, just play it safe.

You may be interested to hear that the night's funniest person is to be awarded a $1.000 voucher from Koliba Restaurant. Just a heads-up, the one and only DJ Hukacka himself is attending, too. If you can beat his funny face and win, it's the money well earned.

Easter Workshop for Everyone

Saturday, 16 April 2011 - 11:00am
Sumava Peksa Park
46 Locks Way
Belgrave South, VIC 3160 37° 56' 12.5664" S, 145° 21' 52.2684" E

EasterIf you're looking for an inspiration for what to do and what to cook over the Easter weekend, just a week before it, on 16. April, the Easter Workshop for Everyone takes place at Sumava Peksa Park.

The workshop is organized and conducted by Maria Garland, who advises the free activities for kids and adults include:

Czech and Slovak Newsletter - March 2011

In this issue:

  • Slovaks in Australia 2012: The Calendar,
  • Cechomor Australian Tour,
  • Czech and Slovak Night at Koliba: The April Fools Special,
  • Astro Night at Sumava, and
  • Easter Workshop for Everyone